The following are a selection of questions we hear often from our clients, together with our replies. If you have a question to ask, please contact us.
Is it compulsory to be fully resident in Spain to be eligible? How many times a year do I need to travel to Spain?
There is no need of a minimum stay in Spain to obtain the Residency Visa.
Do you offer any legal help with regards to obtaining the Residency Visa?
Yes, we do.
With the Residency Visa, do I get a work permit?
Is it possible to buy several properties so that their total cost is €500,000?
Yes, it is.
Is it possible to lease the property/properties?
There is no restriction on this point and no reason to believe it should not be possible.
Can I invest by opening a business?
Yes, this is an option contemplated in the bill.
Can I invest in a commercial property?
Yes, there is no restriction as to the kind of real estate purchased.
When do I lose my Residency Visa?
Once the property which entitled the purchaser to opt for the Residency Visa is sold, the purchaser may no longer opt to renew the Residency Visa upon expiry of the initial residency term.
Can I get citizenship through the Residency Visa?
Yes, after 5 years of continuous residence, applicants can apply for an unlimited Residency Visa and after 10 years, they can apply for Spanish nationality.
Is it possible to get financing?
Yes for all property purchases above the entry point of €500,000, financing is possible.
Do non-EU property investors need to have health insurance?
Yes, potential investors and their ascendants and descendants need to prove that they have either public or private health insurance from an entity that has been authorised to operate in Spain.
Will members of my family also be entitled to residency?
Yes, all ascendants and descendants of the investor can obtain a Residency Visa, regardless of their age, thus enabling the entire family to benefit from the regime.
Does my partner get a Residency Visa if we are not married?
Yes, unmarried couples, including same sex couples, can also benefit from the law as long as they register with the Spanish “domestic partnership” Civil Registry.
What is the time period for the Residency Visa? Lifetime or limited by exact number of years and does it need to be renewed?
Initially you will be granted a Residency Visa for 2 years. After this you can obtain a further 5-year Residency Visa, which is then renewable every 5 years as long as the investment threshold of €500,000 is maintained.
Speak to an advisor today to start your Residency In Spain application.
Call our expert advisors on +34 933 562 989 about your Residency application or contact us using the short application request form.
We can help with all application details, provide up-to-date information on the new residency process and manage a property search that is tailored to your needs